John Lybolt, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Dr. John Lybolt holds a Ph.D. in Communication Sciences from Northwestern University and has extensive experience in research, teaching and presenting school-based teaching techniques, programs, in-services, and curricula development. Dr. Lybolt wrote the Leap Preschool Curriculum, which has been used in public and charter schools in Chicago and was published by Brookes Publishing in 2006. He wrote the versions of Leap Learning Systems’ Language for Scholars (LFS), Parents are Teachers (PAR), Language Encourages Teaching (LET), Language Through Science (LTS), Language and School EnRichment (LASER), Teaching Language to Children (TLC) and Vocabulary Improvement Program (VIP) programs. He has continued to add presentations on youth achievement to the profession.
Dr. Lybolt is a Board Certified Fluency Specialist (American Speech/Language Hearing Association.) Dr Lybolt is also an instructor at the University of Illinois and a consultation at Leap Learnings Systems, After School Matters and Christ The King High School.
Dr. Lybolt recognizes his fifth year as a scientific reviewer for the journal Communication Disorders Quarterly ( http://cdq.sagepub.com/ ). His editing has helped multiple well-regarded articles on the topics of stuttering, speech/language pathology in the schools, and issues with struggling students.
Dr. Lybolt was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Clinical Educator Award.
Cari Shindler M.A. CCC-SLP
Cari Shindler M.S CCC-SLP (the University of Florida) practices speech/language pathology with GLSpeech Associates in school settings. She develops exceptional relationships with student learners that help them directly apply her programming to classroom work. Her professional growth and skills have lead to being named Teacher of the Year at Highland Park High School. Teachers, professionals and students recognize her high level of skills in the areas of oral communication and academics. She has contributed her time and skills to the Leap Learning Systems summer programs Language for Scholars: a program that maximizes communication skills for rising freshmen (with urban backgrounds). These freshmen have received merit based scholarships from the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Foundation and Cari helps provide language based achievement/communication training to ensure their success in high school.
Juliane Culver, M.A. CCC-SLP
Juliane Culver, M.S. CCC-SLP (Indiana State University) is a key contributor to programs at GLSpeech Associates and Leap Learning Systems. She is a uniquely qualified Speech/Language Pathologist for adolescents, using direct but research based approaches to assessment and programming. Juliane has been name as a Teacher of the Year at Highland Park High School, an honor usually reserved for academic faculty.
Juliane is also a contributor to Leap Learning Systems programming as a leader, consultant, and mentor. Her unique personal skills her reach adolescents effectively in a short time, making lasting impact. The language of the adolescent involves awareness of developing executive functioning skills, neural maturity, and social language that must be part of any effective treatment program.
Cari Shindler M.A. CCC-SLP and Juliane Culver, M.A. CCC-SLP, outstanding speech/language pathologists in their own right received recognition for their remarkable programming at Highland Park High School. Within the Department of Special Education, they received Teacher of the Year Award, 2013 as groundbreaking service providers to students and teachers.
Roger Anderson, M.A. CCC-SLP
Roger Anderson is a 1979 graduate of the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in Communication Disorders. He has been a practicing Speech/Language Pathologist for over 30 years and has worked in virtually every aspect of the profession. Roger serves as primary trainer and consultant for many of the LEAP programs including Language for Scholars, Language for Athletes and Collegiate Scholars. He has contributed to LEAP programs for 10 years and made major contributions to program development and staff training.
Along with his work as a Speech/Language Pathologist, Roger maintains a career as a professional singer and actor. He is a nationally acclaimed actor, singer and musical theatre artist. As a proud member of AEA, AFTRA and SAG, he has had the privilege to work on musical theatre stages across the country and be featured in film, commercials and print for most major corporations.
Roger is passionate about integrating his careers in the arts and Speech Pathology. He utilizes performance-based skills whether working with individual students or presenting workshops to large audiences.
Professional contributions:
- Board Certified Stuttering Specialist. Stuttering Board of Examiners American Speech/Language Hearing Association
- Reviewer – Lurie Children's Research Hospital. Institutional Review Board for researchers
- Reviewer – Communication Quarterly Sage Publications
- ACE continuing education award (maximizing Continuing Education Units)
- Board Member: Leap Learning Systems, Chicago, Illinois
- Program Coordinator: Leap Learning Systems
- Clinical Supervisor: Rush University Speech/Language Pathology Program
- Consultant: Niles Township High Schools, North Chicago Schools, Deerfield High School, Highland Park High School, University of Chicago: Donoghue Elementary School
2013 Language Through Science Lybolt, John, Staley, Brenda, and Applebaum, Bev. (in publication)
2007 Building Language Throughout the Year: The Preschool Early Childhood Curriculum. Lybolt, John, Armstrong, Jennifer., Techmanski, Kristin. and Gottfred, Katherine. Brookes Publishing: Baltimore.
2003 Promoting Preschool Language Lybolt, John and Gottfred, Katherine. International Bureau of Education and the International Academy of Education, Brussels and Geneva.
1988 Acoustic Measure of Stutterer’s Speech Following Treatment, Robb, M., Lybolt, John, and Price, Harold. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 1988.
1982 Techniques of Therapy Based on Motor Learning Theory, with Kent, R. Current Therapy of Communication Disorders, W. Perkins, Editor, Thieme-Stratton, Inc.
1980 Morphophonemic Processes in Children. Childhood Communication Disorders: Present Status and Future Priorities Ann. Otol., Rhin, M and Laryng., Supp. 74. 1979
The Language Through Science Program (LTS)
Maximizing the Impact of Science Activities in the Preschool Classroom: An Interactive Presentation
Chicago Public Schools Math and Science Academy
April 8, 2014
Language for Scholars: Developing High School Students’ Academic Business Speaking Skills
Inservice for Service Club Students
Evanston Township High School (2012)
Inservice: Effective Evaluation Tools for Spoken Language Clarity In Elementary, High School, and Adult Clients
Leap Learning Systems Yearly Training (2012)
Supporting Emergent Literacy in Low SES/ELL Environments
Using language in the home and classroom to support developing reading skills
Presentation to Illinois Speech/Language Hearing Association (2012)
Collaboration in the Classroom: Speech Pathologists Crucial Role in Using Books to Assist beginning reading skills
Presentation to Illinois Speech/Language Hearing Association (2012)
Inservice: The Effect of Spoken Language on Language and Thought
Leap Learning Systems Yearly Training (2013)
Building a Collaboration Team: Content, Technique and Administrative Support
American Speech/Language Hearing Association Schools Conference (2012)
Kate Gottfred, Ph.D.. CCC-SLP, Nina Smith, M.A. CCC-SLP, Jennifer Clayton, M.A. CCC-SLP, Lauren Kowalkowski. B.A.
Language Makes Science (2013)
Inservice for Preschool and Kindergarten teachers
SAME Network (Science and Math network)
Rush Hospital Community Outreach Programs
Parents Do Science Everyday (2014)
Support for Bilingual parents Home language promotes preschoolers’ science knowledge
Leap Learning Systems affiliation
Pediatric Communication Issues: Links and Comments
Language for Scholars: Teacher/SLP Partnerships that Build Student Communication Skills
ASHA 2009 Poster
Language through Science? Who Knew?
ASHA 2009 poster
Catherine Gottfred, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Abbie Olszewski, M.A. CCC-SLP
Bev Applebaum, B.A.
John Lybolt, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
ASHA Perspectives Article
Science Through Language: Language Through Science;
Working with Teachers to Make Every Moment a Language Moment
Catherine H. Gottfred
John Lybolt
Language Through Science/ Science Through Language: Fostering Emerging Literacy Skills
American Speech/Language and Hearing Association
New Orleans, Louisiana
November 19, 2009
Catherine Gottfred, Ph.D., John Lybolt, Ph.D., Brenda Staley, M.A.
The Future is Yours to Shape
Kate Gottfred, PhD/CCC-SLP
John Lybolt, PhD/CCC-SLP
Michael Levesque, Executive Director
NIU Communication Disorders Department
Your future
ASHA’s future
Profession’s future
Who is in charge?
University of Wisconsin
April 29, 2009
Catherine Gottfred, PhD CCC-SLP
LASER: A Language Focused After School Program
John Lybolt, Ph.D. Research and Curriculum Director/ Professional Development Coach
Catherine Gottfred, Ph.D. President and Founder
Leap Learning Systems
Presented to Tutor Mentor Conference
May 28, 2009
2009 & Beyond
Your Future, Your Profession’s Future
Chicago Public Schools
Kate Gottfred
Michael Levesque
John Lybolt
RTI and SLPs in Chicago
Lessons Learned
ASHA 2010
Gottfred, Ehren, Lybolt
Language for Scholars: A Communication Skills Building Program
ASHA Perspectives 2010
John Lybolt, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Kate Gottfred, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Roger Anderson, MS, CCC-SLP
Abbie Olszewski, MA CCC-SLP
Southside Occupational Academy
Language for Work
Language for Learning
Kate Gottfred, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Nina Smith, M.A., CCC-SLP
John Lybolt, Ph.D. CCC-SLP
Michael Levesque, Executive Director Leap Learning Systems
Literacy Development in Young Children: Phonemic/Phonological Awareness
StarNet 2010
John Lybolt, PhD, CCC-SLP,
Kate Gottfred, PhD, CCC-SLP,
Nina Smith, MA CCC-SLP, L.D.
The Reading Brain
Cabrini Connections 2010
Kate Gottfred
Michael Levesque
Language for Scholars
Kate Gottfred
Michael Levesque
John Lybolt
Northern_Illinois_Committee_on_Education_Global_Education_for_the_21st_Century_Conference_Presentation 2010