February/March 2019
LEAP: Language Empowers All People and GLSA were invited to Utah twice during early 2019. Their presentations to the Utah Association for the Education of Young Children and then to the Utah State Home Visitors group focused on parents' contributions to their children in the home, by the multiple learning opportunities that happen during daily activities. During their talks (Language and School Readiness) they illustrated how children's developing brains directly benefit from parent and teacher input and conversations. John Lybolt and Nina Smith used multiple engaging activities to illustrate how science, attention, preliteracy and math awareness can be developed by parents. The audience felt the materials were great; Ms. Smith was a terrific presenter.
February 2019
During the Illinois Speech/Language and Hearing Association Convention in early February, Dr. Lybolt and Nina Smith presented techniques how Speech/Language Pathologists can collaborate with High School classroom teachers to a very receptive audience. Their talk: Building a Collaboration Team: Assembling Content, Technique and Administrative Support generated supportive comments and follow-up questions.
November 2018
Dr. Lybolt was part of an invited presentation with other speakers (Nina Smith, M.A., Catherine Gottfred, Ph.D., Tommie Robinson, Ph.D., Elizabeth Norton, Ph.D., and Julie Hornbeck, M.A.) to a packed short course titled Beginning with Babble: Technology Maximizes Impact of SLP Skills with Parents, Professional Collaborators, and Communities. This short course focused on LEAP:Language Empowers All People's language app called Beginning with Babble. This free app (which is available for Apple and Samsung devices) has more than 1000 language tips sorted by time of day (meals, bath, playground....) and children's age. It is particularly useful for parents because the tips are doable, require little-to-no preparation, and generate immediate feedback for parents by the child's positive responses. While Beginning with Babble was designed for parents needing support for their children, all parents appreciate the clarity, timeliness, ease, and hands-on approach of the Language Tips.
Dr. Lybolt was awarded the 2016 Outstanding Clinical Educator Award from Rush University Department of Communication Disorders for providing more than a thousand hours of clinical supervision over the past three years, with exemplary reviews from the graduate students he supervised.
GLSpeech and Leap Empowers All People (a not for profit based in Chicago) continued their close association during a co presentation at the Illinois Speech/Language Hearing Association Annual Convention that covered our Language for Scholars program. This program, presented to small groups over a 3 to 5 day schedule, brings 8th graders through High School seniors Communication Skills alive and enables Scholars to participate effectively in the classroom, during interviews, debates, and competitions.
Nina Smith, M.A. CCC-SLP, Catherine Gottfred, Ph.D. CCC-SLP and John Lybolt, Ph.D. CCC-SLP presented to the American Speech/Language/Hearing Association Convention in Ls Angeles a seminar entitled Not-for-Profit and for Profit: Lessons Learned – Services, Marketing, & Business Operations .Our information was well received with several participants requesting further information.
August 2016