Research has still not provided a specific reason for the appearance of stuttering in children. There is a great deal that is known about what can ease or aggravate stuttering for different children. Time pressures, complexity of language, normal social pressures, having a close relative who has difficulty with stuttering....all these may contribute to fluency issues.
When parents are concerned about repetitions or blocks in their child's speech an initial evaluation can help determine
- Whether the frequency of dysfluency
- The quality (type) of dysfluency
- The overall interference in communication are an issue
Three general approaches are available:
- Observe the child and provide parents strategies to ease dysfluent episodes
- Provide a series of parent sessions to teach parents strategies specific to change situations that provoke dysfluency
- More direct treatment sessions with child and parents to address specific stuttering behaviors
Contact us at (847) 564-9230 or 1glspeech@gmail.com if interested.